The latest iteration of the Zoom Rooms app, version 5.15.7, has made a significant leap by introducing support for native 5K60, 21:9 ultrawide displays, marking a crucial development in the world of video conferencing.
This exciting announcement came courtesy of the pioneering 21:9 display specialist, Jupiter Systems, which made the revelation through a LinkedIn post. The company expressed its enthusiasm, stating, “This is a brilliant complement to what our Pana display range can offer for UC and collaborative spaces.”
The 21:9 ultrawide aspect ratio gained popularity in meeting rooms, largely due to Microsoft Teams Rooms’ introduction of the Front Row layout.
This layout ingeniously employs components such as raise hands and chat on each side of the primary content window, while also accommodating an extended gallery of remote participants along the lower edge of the screen.
Jupiter’s initial inspiration for 21:9 screens stemmed from the desire to recreate the immersive widescreen experience of cinemas. Interestingly, the company’s launch of 21:9 screens coincided with Microsoft’s experimentation with 21:9 and even briefly 32:9 screens for Teams Rooms.
Jupiter’s 105″ Pana LCD 21:9 displays found favor as demonstration models for Teams Rooms within Microsoft, solidifying their role as the industry’s attention-grabbing displays.
In addition to the Pana range of 5K, 21:9 LCD screens, Jupiter has recently introduced the Zavus XP flip chip COB microLED 21:9 display, which starts at an impressive 165″. The manufacturer is represented in the UK by Ascentae.
Another key player championing the 21:9 aspect ratio is US-based Primeview Global. They showcased interactive 105″ LCD displays and 21:9 FusionMAX Pro dvLED displays with pixel pitches as low as 1.2mm as far back as InfoComm 2022.
Accompanying these 21:9 models was a broadcast-grade, horseshoe-shaped Hybrid Round Table, mirroring telepresence-style seating arrangements, designed for use with Front Row.
Following this trend, other manufacturers have also begun offering 21:9 models. Avocor, for instance, introduced a non-interactive option in one of its displays, marking a significant step with the launch of the L Series range of 105″ displays available this summer.
A host of manufacturers, including Absen, iiyama, Planar, Sharp/NEC, and ViewSonic, are now entering the market with 21:9 display models, whether in LCD or LED. Epson even demonstrated a 21:9 projection solution, paired with an ALR screen, at ISE 2023 in association with Visual Displays.
This widespread adoption and evolution of the 21:9 aspect ratio signal a significant shift in the world of display technology, offering more immersive and engaging experiences for users across various industries.
Zoom Rooms’ embrace of this format further validates its growing importance in the realm of video conferencing and collaborative spaces.